Ashraf Foundation at a Glance
Background of Establishment:
Ashraf Foundation was established
in the year 1991 by a group of young men and women aimed at help the poor and
underprivileged peoples of the society to improve their overall socio-economic
status. It is founded on a set of believes concerning the basic problems of the
rural people like-illiteracy, ill health, unemployment, oppression/ civic
inertia & environmental hazards. Peoples have their inherent power to solve
their own problems, but they lack opportunity, resources & civic rights.
The development philosophy of Ashraf Foundation
is essentially humanist, holistic and people-centered approach that aim
to empowering people through develop their potential inherent powers
(intellectual, productive, physical & political/organizing) to enable them
to take responsibility of their self-reliance and sustainable development.
02. Objectives:
· To
organize the target peoples into group to develop unity, solidarity among them
and thus develop a collective strength and institutional bases so that can
ensure their individual and collective development.
· To
help them develop their consciousness and awareness about their position in the
social system.
· To
help them develop their self-image, self-confidences and creativity and thus
make them fit for their desired changes.
· To
rehabilitate the disable of the society through proper supports and services.
· To
provide technical, training, and credit supports to group members for
initiating income-generating activities towards improve their economic condition.
· To
provide other support and services in the process of their socio-economic
· The
target people can ensure the maximum and appropriate utilization of the
available local resources for their development.
Aware people about drug abasement and anti-trafficking against
women and children.
03. Working Development Approaches,
Strategies & Development Partners of AF:
· Development Approaches :
Ø Participatory
Ø Building
partner /sister organization.
Ø Partnership
Ø National
and international development organizations.
Ø Democratic
culture at grass-roots.
Ø Community
based resource management.
Ø Indigenous
knowledge based development.
Ø Holistic
Ø Right
Strengthening grass–root level civil society, culture at
grass–roots Decentralization Gender mainstreaming.
Ø Grassroots
civil society builds up.
· Strategies:
The organization works as an animator, stimulator and cooperator
in the process of development and improvement of the situation of the target
peoples. The organization intervention supports and services are guided on the
principal “build on what they have and people themselves build their own
Ø The
organization works both in the urban and rural communities.
Ø The
poor and underprivileged peoples are the target peoples of the organization.
Ø The
development need comes from the beneficiaries and thus the organizations
programs are the need basis of the beneficiaries.
Ø Sustainability
and self-sufficiency are given priority in the programs.
Ø People’s
participation in the programs is considered as very much important.
Partners :
Ecologically vulnerable community.
Destitute women (divorced, widows, deserted women, heads of
women-headed households, women of families victimized).
Marginal and landless farmers.
People with Disability & their community.
Indigenous and minority community.
Youth and adolescent community.
Women and children.
Civil society.
Universities and research institutes.
Local elected representatives, clubs, CBOs, NGOs, Sectorial
Agencies of the Govt.
04. Policy
Framework of AF:
ASHRAF Foundation’s development endeavors principally focus on
poorest of poor destitute women outcastes, indigenous peoples, ethnic
minorities and Hard core poor (
Ashraf Foundation works for conservation of environmental resource
Ashraf Foundation takes up all development initiative taking
gender perspective into consideration.
Ashraf Foundation takes up development programs taking economic,
social, political and cultural equity into consideration.
Ashraf Foundation takes up all development initiatives taking
sustainability of development partners into consideration.
Ashraf Foundation works to ensure availability local resources and
government facilities in the interest of the resource poor people.
Ashraf Foundation proceeds from project to program.
Ashraf Foundation implements development programs through
networking and development partnership.
05. Major Program Activities of AF:
Disability Development & Rehabilitation program;
Heads |
Male |
Female |
Total |
1. Fulltime paid staffs |
06 |
14 |
20 |
2. Incentive paid volunteer workers |
20 |
25 |
45 |
Total |
26 |
39 |
65 |
07. Financial System:
Accountant is responsible to
maintain all project account, prepare monthly/half-yearly/annual financial
statement for submission to Executive Director for discussion, review and
decision. The Executive Director countersigns all vouchers and accounts, as he
is finally accountable for project account to the Executive Committee and
ultimately to the General Committee of ASHRAF Foundation. Treasurer of ASHRAF
Foundation has every right constitutionally to ask for any explanation or quire
and supervises the financial management. Executive Committee in its meeting
discusses and reviews on written financial report submitted to them. The annual
financial report is submitted for open discussion to all general members of
ASHRAF Foundation and is approved by them after all clarification and
explanation until they are satisfied. The account of ASHRAF Foundation is
audited annually by NGO Bureau authorized audit farm.
ASHRAF Foundation maintains
its financial system in a transparent way. It follows the financial manual for
operating payment, bank accounts, etc. The mother Bank Account is operated by
the joint signatures of the Chairperson, Treasurer and General Secretary of the
organization with the help of approved EC meeting resolution and the approved
money is transferred to the project accounts as per the approved budget.
Following are the Bank Account and its detailed information:
Bank Account and
Name of the Bank |
Branch with address |
Name of the account |
Type of Bank A/C |
Account No. |
National Bank Lid |
Chouggacha Branch |
Account |
1084001606465 |
Governance & Project Management System
Decision Making:
According to constitution of
ASHRAF Foundation, general members of the organization play vital role in any
decision making for the organization. Any decision adopted by majority member
in the annual general meeting, the Executive Committee is constitutionally
bound to follow their decision and implement it.
Executive Committee
interprets, implement, follow-up, evaluates the decisions of the General
Committee and report them back after their task is over. Executive Committee
takes the decision and gives decision within the guideline set by the General
Committee. Director of the organization implements the decisions taken by the
Executive Committee and by other set rules and responsibility given upon him as
per constitution. He is accountable to the Executive Committee.
Transparency and Accountability:
The responsibility of all
project staff is distributed according to implementation plan and need of the
project and their duties and responsibilities are prescribed in their job
description. Executive Director is responsible for appoint, termination,
suspensions, promotion, demotion and increment of staff. All project staff is
reportable and accountable for their activities directly to the Coordinator.
Project Officer / Branch Managers during their monthly meeting provide their
activity and financial reports, which is received and evaluated immediately.
New responsibility is again given upon him/her when planning for the next
month. This is an on-going process of responsibility and accountability for all
organization staff.
Executive Director is
accountable for his/her performance and progress to the Executive Committee.
The Committee gets overall report of the activities and finance of the project
in their regular meeting, where the Committee reviews and evaluates his/her
past quarter activities and progress of the work assigned for the period. The
Executive Committee is accountable to the General Committee that meets annually
to review the progress of the projects and financial matters.
Project Management System
The Executive Director invites
the implementation plan in detailed from the Branch Manager after approval of
any project. The staff of the Branch Offices prepare detail action plan with
distribution of responsibility. Executive Director is responsible to look after
and supervise both project activities and financial management. He is assigned
by a Coordinator to supervise the project activities and staff. Chief
accountant of the organization is responsible to maintain all financial records
and reports. The project activities reports and accounts of ASHRAF Foundation
are computerized.
Every month the Branch
Managers submit their written report to the Assistant Director by specific
printed forms. After completion of all reports submitted by Branch Managers, a
monthly report of the program activities is published for internal uses. Simultaneously,
monthly financial report is prepared for the organization. Annual report is the
basis of all these monthly activity and financial reports of the organization.
09. Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting System of Program
ASHRAF Foundation follows the
participatory process in planning any project or program. The field level and
mid-level staff plays a vital role in planning any program and project. The
organization organize meeting with its field level staff and managerial staff
for sharing thinking and program design and collect their suggestions. Their
suggestions are considered importantly in the executive bodies meeting.
In order to successful
implementation of the project activities, the Assistant Director in cooperation
with Monitoring Officer and Project Officer will monitor the activities time to
time. The Monitoring Officer of ASHRAF Foundation will ensure time-to-time
monitoring of the activities for successful implementation of activities. The Branch
Manager of the respective upazila visits every field once in a month and
prepares report on the findings of the visit and submits it to the Assistant
Director. The Project Officer also make field visit in some pre-selected areas
and check the Branch Manager’s activities. Then he prepares report on the visit
and submits it to Assistant Director. The Assistant Director visits to some
selective project areas to overcome any adverse situation and provide necessary
suggestions. Then the Coordinator prepare a monthly monitoring report on the
basis of the Branch Manager’s, Monitoring Officer’s and Program Officer’s
reports and provide it to the Executive Director to take necessary action.
Internal mid-term project
review would be conducted with the Project Officer and Supervisors. The
performance of the project implementation would be evaluated after six month of
project implementation. This is conducted for the organization’s own purposes.
ASHRAF Foundation would also conduct a participatory internal evaluation at the
end of the project period for its own purposes. The report would be provided to
the Donor. The donor at the end of the project can conduct an external
evaluation. The report would be prepared and deliver to donor.
ASHRAF Foundation prepares
monthly progress report and half-yearly narrative report for understanding the
progress of the planned activities. The organization also prepares annual
report combining the activities of different programs. The Assistant Director with
the assistance of Accountant will prepare financial report for expenses and
projecting the funding needs for next six months and submit to donor. The
Assistant Director would submit the progress and narrative activity report and
financial report to the Executive Director within 2nd week of the
respective month.
Rasel Ashraf
Executive Director
01711 150 419
Sing: S21FR
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